Yutong E12 (Brisbane Transport)
From Australian Enthusiasts Wiki
List of buses
Fleet number | Registration | Body | VIN | Body serial no | Date bodied | Depot | Notes |
6001 | XQ 54TA | Integral | LZYTMGEW3M1002627 | 07/2021 | Eagle Farm | Used on City Loop (Route 40 and 50) services. | |
6002 | XQ 17TH | Integral | LZYTMGEW5M1002628 | 07/2021 | Eagle Farm | Used on City Loop (Route 40 and 50) services. | |
6003 | XQ 58SN | Integral | LZYTMGEW7M1002629 | 07/2021 | Eagle Farm | Used on City Loop (Route 40 and 50) services. | |
6004 | XB 92BE | Integral | LZYTMGCW1N1006129 | 07/2021 | Eagle Farm | Used on City Loop (Route 40 and 50) services. |